
Thank you for visiting my photograhy page. i have a wide collection of vintage cameras which i use on a regular basis. I think my favorite thing about film has to be the separation beetween image and reality, as for me say a 50mp dlsr hearlds too much of a sharp harsh real world view of things, wheras with my nikon f and some fp4 or gold 200 film, and you have a wonderful work of art in waiting that is not overly sharp or blown out in deatail. I first started shooting film with an old canon av-1 in 2019. Since then my camera collection has amassed to over 20 cameras, 35mm and medium format. Before i shot film, i shot digital fistly with a lumix, then with a nikon d60 dslr and latterly a nikon d3400.


i mainly shoot images of railways, scenery and buildings with my favorite films being ilford fp4, tmax 100, kentmere 400 and colourlus film

as well as this i also shoot 8mm footage on a carena zoomex, and plan on making a 16mm project in the near future


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